The following texts were written between 1973 and the present. Some of them, beginning in the late 1980s, were published in US journals such as Against the Current, New Politics, Critique, Collective Action Notes and Race Traitor; some have appeared translations. Others are appearing in the Marx / Third Millennium series of Queequeg Publications.
The majority, however, were consigned by circumstance to what Marx called "the gnawing critique of the mice." As such, they circulated only in xerox format to very limited circles of readers. I am posting them today, not because they necessarily possess any overarching coherence or because the evolution of one individual is of any particular importance. Rather, since different readers over the years have found different texts to be useful, I am using the new possibilities opened by the web to make them more generally available than they have been in my file cabinets.
러시아 혁명에서 농업 문제 물질적 공동체에서 생산주의로, 그리고 퇴행으로 로렌 골드너 “만약 러시아가 1861년 이래 취한 길을 따른다면, 역사가 한 민족에게 제시하고 있는 자본주의 체제의 그 모든 불행한 선택지들을 뛰어넘을 가장 큰 기회를 잃어버릴 것이다. 다른 모든 나라들과 마찬가지로 이 나라는 그 체제 의 냉혹한 법칙에 종속될 수밖에 없을 것이다.”(마르크스, <아테체스트벤니예 자피스키 (조국의 기록)>의 편집자에 […]